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Welcome to my blog. Discover more about the power of your "#MiNorte", learn more about my tools, advice and helpful information on how to have successful experiences on the dating world and your romantic relationships. And don't forget to subscribe, so you can be the first to know more about this and so much more.


Teléfonos perdidos, cargadores olvidados, mensajes de texto sin leer, todo esto forma parte de nuestro mundo hoy en día. Y todo el mundo...

IT happens

Lost phones, forgotten chargers, missing text messages, these are all part of our world now. Everybody seems to be willing to accept...

El poder de “#MiNorte”

¿Qué es “#MiNorte”? En pocas palabras, “#MiNorte” representa nuestra brújula interna que debemos seguir. “#MiNorte” es ese objetivo que...

The Power of Mi Norte

What is Mi Norte? Mi Norte—which literally translates to My North—represents our inner compass we are meant to follow. Mi Norte is our...

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